When Angela Stockdale, was a veterinary nurse, she stood and watched helplessly as dog after dog was destroyed, at the owner's request, due to behavioural problems. She vowed to devote her life to saving these "no-hopers". Over the last 20 years, she has rehabilitated and re-homed countless dogs with severe behavioural problems, earning national recognition with her "Animal Country" award presented to her by Desmond Morris and Sara Kennedy.
At present family commitments prevent her from working in dog welfare full time but the homeless canine delinquents will always be her first love. Closely involved with national charities offering behavioural advice, she now believes the way forward is to train others in the ART of Rehabilitation.Specialising in dogs with anti-social problems, Angela's dog training and behavioural service offers total resolvement of the problem in a carefully structured rehabilitation programme.

Individual assessment of both dog and owner is essential. Once good communication is established, rehabilitation can begin! Still on an individual level, each client is taught specific exercises that will eventually be used in the Rehabilitation Support Group sessions. Their intergration into one of these groups usually takes places after about three or four individual sessions.