Occasionally, you come across a dog who is a potential sheep killer. If these dogs are brought to our training sessions at a young age, the problem can be recognised early and eliminated before it develops. If a dog already has a stock chasing problem, individual tuition is available to eliminate it. This training includes a control and management programme for the owner. In severe cases, sound or smell aversion may be used but always in conjunction with the aforementioned programme. Dogs that worry livestock, generally, have a chasing problem rather than being a true sheep killing problem. Exercises such as the Static Retrieve and The Chase Recall are designed with an aim to teach such dogs how to control their predatory drive and to respond to control commands when "in chase". These have proved very successful. We do not condone the use of the electric shock collar. Research has shown it to actually elicit aggression in some cases anyway. We do not condone putting a dog in a confined area with an aggressive sheep. This has limited success and can have an adverse effect in some cases. Some dogs can develop a hatred of sheep resulting in the desire to kill becoming even stronger. However, allowing a dog in a field with a sheep who will stand it's ground can have a beneficial effect. In a field, the dog has the opportunity to make the right decision - TO LEAVE!
If you are not able to accommodate sheep yourself and /or would like to know more about the training exercises designed to help teach your dog self -control and alleviate predatory frustration, then please contact : The Dog Partnership |