Dog Aggression Specialist

Dog Aggression

Angela has a unique approach to resolving dog aggression problems. She follows The Dog Partnership principles. ( click here for more information)

Using natural learning, the emphasis is taken off 'handler control'. Remember, whilst people may inadvertently reinforce their dogs aggressive behaviour they do not create the problem. 

Owners of dogs with aggression problems have enough to contend with without being told it's all their fault.  If their dog did not have a problem then neither would they!

This approach allows the dog to use its own natural learning ability, enabling it to learn from the consequences of its own actions whilst its owner's relax and enjoy a cup of tea!
Specialising in dogs with aggression problems, Angela's behavioural service offers total elimination of the problem behaviour.  This is carefully structured through a rehabilitation programme.
Three Steps to Success
Initial Assessment

You would attend a shared visit, here in Somerset . Your dog will, of course, be worked individually.  However, you will find that you will learn just as much from watching other people's dogs. It is a very informal day where tea and coffee are provided.  You just need to bring your own lunch.

This day is primarily to assess your dog and the problem at hand. Then I will decide what rehabilitation is applicable to your dog. At the end of the day, you will be given written guidelines of how to begin rehabilitation in the home environment. The first stage of your dog's rehabilitation will take place at the next session. The report will follow within a couple of weeks with full details of the assessment and their rehabilitation programme. Start time is 11am and will finish around three if there are two dogs. If you are the only client, we will finish around one thirty.

I will give you guidelines at the end of your visit and send a full written report to you within a few weeks after. Telephone and email support is offered for the rest of your dog's life.

Follow up meeting
At the second meeting, we will begin the initial stages of their rehabilitation programme. They will then be integrated into a Communication Class, if I feel they are ready to do so. If they are not ready to join a group, one to one sessions will continue until such time that they are.
Communication Classes
At the Communication Classes, your dog will mix with other dogs and learn how to communicate with them. They will meet many other dogs and will learn how to speak to them in a socially acceptable manner. Only a dog can teach another dog canine communication. What they need to learn from the other dogs is canine etiquette. In time, we will teach your dog how to cope with the most difficult situations they would encounter whilst out exercising, in this safe and controlled environment. These could be seeing another dog in the distance and seeing another dog appear suddenly in front of them. Your dog will be taught how to cope in these situations both on and off lead. In time, they will transfer what they have learnt in the classes to walking in day to day living.



You would attend a shared visit, here in Somerset . Again, your dog will, of course, be worked individually.  I would suggest a shared visit here at my home where I can assess the situation fully with my own sheep who are trained for this work. Only two dogs are worked on this day. Please ensure you bring all dogs from the household, unless able to travel.

Each dog is introduced to my sheep from the other side of the fence initially. If they do not show the potential to physically injure the sheep, they will then be allowed into the field on a lead or long line. They will then join the sheep on a lead walk along the farm lane.

Please note; if your dog could potentially injure sheep, they will NOT be allowed direct physical contact with them.

Whilst it may seem a wasted journey if your dog does not does not have direct physical contact with the sheep, the most important element of this assessment is to determine whether they would just chase and herd sheep or whether they would kill them. Depending on the outcome of the assessment, the rehabilitation would be different. It is essential to make an in depth assessment of their intentions.

Long Distance
If you live 100 miles or more away from my training venues, you may be invited to attend a two day visit. The only difference with these visits is that the follow up assessment is brought forward to the day after the Initial Assessment.

Due to the nature of these training sessions, your dog will spend approximately an hour to an hour and a half at a time in your car each day. Obviously there will be regular breaks for you to exercise your dog. If your dog is likely to become stressed if left in the car, then an alternative meeting can be arranged.


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