Dog Aggression Specialist

training for you and your dog.
Give me a Clue!

Do not expect to find Operant Conditioning or Conditioned Reinforcers or any other 'technical jargon' in this booklet. Clicker Training is described as a game of 'clues and clicks' with no need for a glossary of technical terms!

Written with ease of readership for the pet dog owner in mind, Give me a Clue! explains is basic English the principles behind Clicker Training and how to apply them.

It answers common questions such as ' Will I always have to carry a clicker with me now? and ' What do I tell my dog if he gets it wrong?'  which in itself helps the pupil understand the benefits of this amazing approach to dog training. 

Modestly priced, it is ideal as a handout to pupils in a Dog Training Club situation where the Clicker is being introduced.

Price : £3.50

What Makes you Click?

What Makes you Click? is a step by step guide on how to teach your dog basic exercises using the clicker.

Designed to accompany ' Give me a Clue!', it describes how to teach exercises such as Sit , Down and loose lead walking.

It also explains reward hierarchy and how to apply it. 

Any fan of technical jargon will be disappointed.  It is written for the pet dog owner/trainer in a language they can understand.

Price : £3.50




Pleased to Meet You!

Designed as  a guide for owners of dogs who need assistance in teaching them how to greet people sociably, both inside and outside the home.  It covers greeting routines within the home and specifically designed   exercises such as 'The Hide' and the 'Go See !'  that can be used when out exercising.

This booklet should ONLY be used in conjunction with a Rehabilitation Programme.

Price : £3.50

Missing You

Missing You is designed, primarily, as a guide for owners with dogs suffering is from Separation Distress .

It is also very useful preventative measure, for dogs who may be likely to , as a develop such problems e.g. recently re -homed rescue dogs .

It helps the owner, gradually, reduce their dogs dependency on them thus building the dog own self-confidence. Whilst 'crate training' is not advocated as a solution to ' Separation Problems' it is mentioned.

Many people may be advised to use a crate. Missing You highlights how using a 'crate' can actually have an adverse effect if it is not introduced and used as a safety area.

Price : £3.50




Welcome to The Canine Chatroom
A guide to Canine Communication

The dog has been known as 'Man's best friend' from the day they were domesticated. We expect them to understand and communicate with us but do we really understand them? When you understand how dogs communicate with each other, communicating with and understanding them is so much easier! 

This DVD will give you an insight into these masters of communication. How they learn about Canine Communication from the nest through to adulthood.By understanding how dogs communicate with each other, you will be able to reach an in depth understanding of your own dog's personality.

In short - a true partnership

Price : £7.50

All proceeds from DVDs and Booklets are dontated to ENPA UK

Please visit the ENPA webite for more information

and contact Angela for detials of the their work in the UK
All prices include P & P
Trade prices for bulk orders are available
Please contact me to order :

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